Free Meals for Students
Free food in primary schools The government of Pakistan has framed many facilities in the field of education which has made it very easy for the children of poor and deserving people to get education. The government of Pakistan has announced to frame free meals for the students of government educational institutions The aim of this program is to eradicate malnutrition among poor children in Pakistan alone and provide free meals to at least 25,000 students in 100% of schools. In the inauguration ceremony of the Government of Pakistan, Shafqat Mehmood, the present Minister of Education of Pakistan, announced that the Trust will provide free food to the students. He said that this fly institution has been working for us. The education minister said that poverty was a major reason due to which many male and female students were unable to study and were out of school.
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To solve their problems, the education department has offered many services to the children, free books, educational scholarships and transport facilities have been framed so that all obstacles in the way of education can be removed. Free food is the first step in framing children. This program will soon be introduced in all schools of Pakistan. Its only purpose is that those who are poor children in Pakistan, children who are deprived of education, cannot get education. Able to complete their studies like other children To know more about it, you can check our article on this website
Free Books

Free food in primary In the past, many people could not educate their children due to lack of resources and high cost of education, but because of this, the children of the poor were always left behind and only the children of the rich had the right to get an education. But now the government of Pakistan has taken a step to frame free books to students to solve their problems, they have taken a step to provide free books to students to create equality in the society and sell educational progress in the country.
Free food in primary schools The government of Pakistan has started this initiative of providing free books to the students. But now the government of Pakistan has provided different books from nursery to matric level so that the children of poor families are not deprived of their basic rights because like other children they also have their rights. In this country, the government has taken this step so that poor children like other children can complete their studies and reach higher positions.
Education Scholarships
Despite the government of Pakistan providing free books and meals to students, many barriers stood between the poor and education, and children faced difficulties in meeting the remaining educational expenses. But the government of Pakistan has started a program to provide careful cash to the students to cover the cost of their education. It was short for girls, but now the government of Pakistan, expanding the scope of educational services, has also set a maximum for boys.
These steps of the government showed that education is very important for both girls and boys, now the children of the rich as well as the poor can get their education very easily. To know more about it, visit our website. You can see the moon lying on the site
Transport Facilities
Free food in primary schools Free food in primary Despite all the educational facilities, children of poor people living in rural areas were not able to access education. But now it was difficult for them to bear the expenses of going to educational institutions, but the government of Pakistan has provided them with free bus service to solve their problems without any problem. Educational institutions can be found in remote areas, apart from this, government educational institutions have also been established in villages and small towns.
So that people do not have to face any problem in the principle of the most basic To know complete information about more education scholarships, you can read the article on our website
Benefits Of Free Meals For Students
It can be expected to have many benefits after providing free meals to children in educational institutions that will eliminate malnutrition among children. Students coming from rural and remote areas have to leave home early in the morning and often do not have breakfast due to lack of time and hunger.
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But the government of Pakistan has removed this problem from them, providing time to eat in educational institutions, their malnutrition will be removed, they will be able to contribute to the development of the country by paying full attention to their education.