Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
IV Phase In Laptop Scheme Start By Shahbaz Sharif Through HEC Pakistan

Laptop Scheme

IV Phase In Laptop Scheme Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has announced the restart of the laptop scheme, this time the fourth phase of the laptop scheme has been released to distribute the laptops. Is HEC’s character complete registration of laptop without the purpose of this article to tell you what will be the procedure of registration of laptop registration less started? It should also provide you complete information about the eligibility criteria of the laptop and other necessary information so that you can get your information at home if you are a student and want to get a laptop.

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So you will be able to get your complete information sitting at home. Those who want to join the laptop scheme will be given complete details in simple words in this article if you want to get your information. By laptop scheme read this information carefully and after that you will be able to get a laptop at home after getting your information.

Main Objective Of Laptop Scheme

If we tell the purpose of restarting the laptop scheme the government of Pakistan has restarted this scheme to improve the quality of science and technology. So that the IT-related people can get a good laptop for themselves, those who are still registered but haven’t got the laptop are counted among their own students, to equip them with a laptop. The Chief Minister of Punjab and the Prime Minister of Punjab have the right, therefore the government of Pakistan has started the fourth phase of this scheme which is to deliver laptops to those people who are considered poor and deserving.

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If you are one of those people, you can get your laptop from home. Another great reason is to create online job opportunities but also to help these people. who are supporting Pakistan to eradicate poverty so there are many benefits of starting this scheme and reasons why this scheme is started again to benefit the people

IV Phase In Laptop Scheme Start By Shahbaz Sharif Through HEC Pakistan

PM Laptop Scheme Phase IV Apply Method 2024

If you have not yet confirmed your registration in this program, we will tell you about the registration process here. The government of Pakistan has not started the registration process. But on the instructions of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the process of purchase of laptops by HEC is going on If we talk about when the registration starts, let’s talk about it

It is not decided but candidates who are eager to start formal registration of laptops will be informed of full details within the next month. So you keep visiting the official website released by the government of Pakistan so that you know when the registration form will be launched, as soon as the registration form comes, you should prioritize your registration. And register at the same time so that you can be included in the laptop scheme and given a laptop for more information you can also visit our website and see how to join the program.

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Eligible Universities For IV Phase

The universities involved in this scheme are also mentioned in this article. People who will read this article will be told which universities are involved in this scheme. Students who are pursuing their education in any HEC approved public sector university institution or in any campus will be able to complete their registration. We have also placed the list of eligible universities here for your further guidance in enrollment.

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Complete details about the list of L universities can be found here which are the universities that will be eligible. And how they will be provided with complete details. If you want to know the same information, you can visit our website and see which universities are eligible.

Ineligible Students

  • Those students who are residents of any country other than Pakistan
  • Those who do not have Pakistani identity card will not be eligible
  • Students who are not enrolled in HEC-approved universities
  • Students who have acquired any laptop under the initial phase of the laptop scheme
  • Those students are pursuing degrees from any institution but not affiliated to HEC
  • Students who have not submitted online applications for the laptop scheme will not be included
  • Students who have not completed their degree program at the time of distribution of laptops

Who Can Eligiable In Laptop Scheme

  • Students who are residents of Pakistan
  • Students who have obtained Pakistani Identity Card
  • HEC is an accredited public sector university in degree-granting institutions
  • And students who are pursuing an 18-year program of Ph.D.Phil or equivalent in an institution recognized by HEC.
  • Men and women enrolled in a four-year bachelor’s degree program at an HEC-approved institution will be admitted
  • Students enrolled in the MBA program will also be able to get a laptop

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Final Words

IV Phase In Laptop Scheme The purpose of this article is to inform you that you can get complete information about registration in the fourth phase of the laptop scheme. The complete details will be given to you in the fourth phase. How students can complete their registration process for more students Eligibility criteria and other details are also provided in this article as soon as any new update from the Pakistan government.

We will provide you the complete information in simple words on the same website and tell you how you can get your information at home, demand, and students who are not already included in the laptop scheme. And want to join the laptop scheme and want to check the eligibility criteria then they can read this article carefully. In this article, you are given all the information based on which you will be able to do your registration.

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By Muhammad Imran

Muhammad Imran With nearly four years of dedicated service at the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP), Muhammad Imran is deeply committed to improving social welfare in Pakistan. His experience in BISP has equipped him with insights into government aid programs, poverty alleviation, and social safety nets. As a passionate advocate for empowering vulnerable communities, Imran shares his knowledge and updates on welfare programs, ensuring that citizens are informed and supported.