Wed. Mar 5th, 2025
Maryam Nawaz Announced Rashan Through Ramzan Relief 2024

Rashan Through Ramzan Relief Package

Ramzan Relief Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has started a relief program in Punjab called Nighaban Program. Free rations will be distributed to poor people through the Nighaban program. If you want to get this ration then you have come to the right place.

Because here you are being told all the information through which you can get this help. So you should read this article in detail on how you can get your registration done. How you can get this ration Are you eligible for this ration or not? All the details are given to you in this article.

Negahban Ramzan Relief Package 8070 Latest News 2024

Ramzan Relief Package

In Ramadan, Maryam Nawaz announced that those poor families lack expenses. And they cannot control their spending well in Ramadan. Because in the month of Ramadan, everyone stays in their homes and most of the businesses are also closed.

Considering the same situation, neither the laborer gets any labor nor he gets any work. Due to this, he is very worried about how he will be able to control his expenses in the month of Ramadan. He doesn’t even have any capital to spend, that’s why you are being helped through the guardianship program.

In which you need 10 kg of flour along with 2 kg of sugar. Two kilos of rice, two kilos of ghee, and some things used in daily life are being provided to you.

اگر اپ نے رمضان راشن پروگرام ریلیف میں رجسٹریشن کروانا چاہتے ہیں تو اپ کس طرح سے رجسٹریشن اس پروگرام میں کروا سکتے ہیں۔ تمام انفارمیشن اپ کو دی جا رہی ہیں اپ کو نگہبان پروگرام میں رجسٹریشن کے لیے کہیں جانے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے۔

کیونکہ اپ گھر رہیں گے اپ گھر میں ہی اس پروگرام میں اپنی رجسٹریشن کروا سکیں گے۔ مریم نواز کا یہ باقاعدہ اعلان کیا گیا ہے کہ کوئی بھی ماں بہن گھر سے باہر نہ نکلے۔ ان کا گھر میں ہی نام درج کیا جائے تاکہ وہ بغیر کسی پریشانی کے اس امداد کو حاصل کر سکیں۔

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Ramzan Rashan Program Relief 2024

And thank Maryam Nawaz for the wonderful reception and promotion of Ramadan Ration Relief 2024. As soon as Maryam Nawaz was elected as the Chief Minister of Punjab, she announced that she would help the poor people through the Nihbaan program in the month of Ramadan.

It has already been formally stated that various teams have been formed to survey the Nahbaan program. She is surveying the watchdog program. If you are present at home, you will also be surveyed and a ration will be given to you.

So that you can get the ration and you can celebrate Eid happily while controlling your expenses in the month of Ramadan.

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Ramzan Rashan Program Relief Registration 2024

If you want to register for the Ramadan ration program relief, how can you register for this program? All the information is provided to you. You don’t need to go anywhere to register for the Nihgaban program. Because you will be staying at home, you will be able to register yourself in this program at home.

It has been officially announced by Maryam Nawaz that no mother or sister should leave the house. Their name should be registered at home so that they can get this assistance without any hassle.

Final Words

In the end, I will say that you people should know very well which house in your neighborhood is entitled to ration. You will know well which house should get ration. Therefore, whenever the team comes to your home for the survey, you should tell the team that this is your home.

Who is entitled to this rashan you will provide all the information that it belongs to the families. When you tell that that house is entitled to ration in that area, the team will go there. It will register them and ration will be provided to them, this will also reward you and they will also get ration.


  1. What is the Nighaban Ramzan Relief Program?
    The Nighaban Ramzan Relief Program, started by Maryam Nawaz, distributes free rations to poor families during Ramadan.
  2. What items are included in the Ramzan Relief ration?
    The ration includes 10 kg of flour, 2 kg of sugar, 2 kg of rice, 2 kg of ghee, and other daily essentials.
  3. How can I register for the Nighaban Ramzan Relief Program?
    You can register from home; the survey teams will visit households to complete the registration process.
  4. Do I need to leave my house to register for the program?
    No, registration can be done at home, and no one is required to leave their house for this process.
  5. How does the survey team decide who gets the ration?
    The survey team will assess households and register those who are eligible for receiving the ration.